Monday, August 30, 2010

Exploding heads.

I've had quite the visual all day today of my head exploding. The likely cause of this occurrence would be the absolutely psychotic migraine/sinus/ear/eye issues I'm dealing with today. I fear for my senses of touch, taste and smell, as it would appear that my body is staging a full-fledged attack on my senses. I could not have a light on today. I could not have any loud noise today. The latter was particularly important as my JOB (where I earn $$) requires that I be able to hear things and take the things that I've heard and do things to them. I was supposed to work 8 hours today. I will be lucky if I work 5, mostly because every time I sit down at my computer and hit play (attempting to restart my gainful employment) this is what I see:
This is a prime example of what I conceive an aneurysm to look like, if pain had a visual representation. Also, I have a funny/terrible continuation of the last post, but will have to wait on that until I no longer feel like I'm going to have a seizure and die.

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