I'm suffering from a severe case of blog envy. It's Allie Brosh's Hyperbole and a Half. You click on this, and you can see how totally awesome it is, and how filled with suck anything that tries to be in a similar blog genre feels in comparison. The drawings. The ideas. Mostly, it's the content. It's like she's sneaking into my head and then stealing all of the ideas I've ever had, a la Grinch. She's Grinching my thoughts, and I can't even hate her for it, because I'm convinced she does it so well that any other attempt would be paltry and pathetic. I wish I could do the cartoons, but alas, I have but a primitive Dell PC with no tablet attachment, and so everything would be done on the mouse pad, and therefore any cartoons I try for now will look very much like a chimpanzee attempting to recreate a Monet.
The worst part about all of this: I had to look up what a chimpanzee looks like, I couldn't remember and came up with a mutant hairy chimp-hippo that was terrifying and awesome. See below:
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