Okay internet. I realize 20 days is a long time to go without some Katie love. In my defense, the following things have happened to me in the last 20 days:
- School started
- Continued to work 20 hours a week
- Football started
- I met a boy
- I turned 21.
This is a monumental amount of stuff to happen to one person in 20 days. Mostly the last one though, as my liver/stomach still haven't forgiven me for that weekend of nonsense. Internet, I'm sure you'll be glad to know I'm a very affectionate drunk. I love everybody. I hugged everybody, including the bartender. It was a great night.
Moving on to my point though, I will be updating this more often, once I get into the swing of things. No picture for today, alas, as I'm getting ready to go sort out some high drama that will provide blogging opportunities later on.